Pth Pasteboard Mac Manual

Active6 months ago

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I use ditto on Windows for clipboard management, however I've got a mac-mini for iphone dev and I am missing the clipboard manager. Anyone got any good suggestions for a decent simple mac clipboard manager?

Toby AllenToby Allen
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closed as primarily opinion-based by randomAug 22 '13 at 20:36

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11 Answers

Davide GualanoDavide Gualano


I have actually now started using Clippings from the app store. It's $2.99 and worth it.

The reasons I decided to stop using PTHPasteboard were that it is a little buggy and I tried to send feedback to the author but never heard anything. Also it is expensive at $25. Wish the author was continuing development and taking requests for a couple of UI/UX fixes, but until then I really like 'Clippings'


I'm coming from Windows and LOVED the Ditto clipboard manager. It was SO SIMPLE and powerful. Wish I could find the same thing for Mac.

I first tried ClipMenuand Jumpcut, and have also tried using Quicksilver's built in clipboard manager. I have not been too happy with any of them. I also looked at a few articles describing the so called best clipboard manager for mac, like this one. The closest one I could find was Clyppan ($5) until I found this question and tried PTH Pasteboard as Mark had suggested.

Ssh mac manual. Here's the functionality that I loved about Ditto:

  • It can manage text or images, but it has an option to only keep track of text, which was important to me.
  • It has an option so that text is always pasted as plain text (removes formatting)
  • You can change the shortcut keys to anything you want. I prefer cmd+shift+v on mac.
  • When activated it showed a list of clipping, typing text would filter the results to only show matches. Using the up or down arrow keys (or a number key - results were numbered) would choose the selection, and enter would paste it. Clyppan has this, but you have to activate it, press cmd+f to search, type in your string, then press tab about 4 times, then you can use the arrow keys. Too much work.
  • Clyppan also has a 'rapid paste' feature that I like - you can paste the last several things on the clipboard in reverse order. I think Ditto did this as well. Haven't figured out how to do that yet with PTH Pasteboard but I'm not sure it is impossible.

If Clyppan would just fix the shortcut keys so that I could search and select clips more easily I would highly recommend it - otherwise i'd say PTH Pasteboard is much more powerful and by far my favorite choice.


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6,49838 gold badges97 silver badges145 bronze badges
Doug HarrisDoug Harris
21.3k14 gold badges70 silver badges104 bronze badges

My current pick is PTH Pasteboard. I like the ability to run scripts, any flavor you want (applescript, bash, python, perl, etc..) on what I am pasting. And multiple filters can come in handy.

I bought the pro version after trying it for about 10 minutes. I used to use CopyPaste Pro, but they fell way behind during the transition to MacOS X and that doesn't have some features that I consider essential.

Mark ThalmanMark Thalman

Application launchers Quicksilver and LaunchBar both have integrated clipboard managers.

Josh KJosh K
11.4k7 gold badges37 silver badges56 bronze badges

I would recommend the following:

I believe XCode also comes with a clipboard manager.

To just view what is in the clipboard:

In the Finder, go to Show Clipboard, under Edit.

But again, these settings will come down to your personal preferences.Below the update preferences you’ll notice a manual Check Now button that you can use in conjunction with the auto-check for updates feature or use on its own if you prefer to turn that feature off.The current macOS version is Sierra, if you notice that you’re not on Sierra, it is a free update from the App Store. Even if you check off all the boxes and allow macOS and the App Store to automatically check for and download updates, you’ll still be notified and have to authorize their installation. Apple does a fantastic job optimizing macOS with their hardware.If you’d like to install macOS Sierra you can check your Mac against the operating (click on the  in the top left corner → About This Mac to see your Macs details). Mac app manual update. You can click on Purchased in top area of the App Store window to see all of your purchases (which includes free downloads as well).To look at or change your macOS and apps update settings, click on App Store in the menu bar and then click PreferencesYou’ll now be able to make sure your settings are to your liking. Sometimes with older Macs the newest operating system may run a bit slower, but as an example my parents are running Sierra on a 2009 iMac with solid performance.

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I don't think that this is exactly what your looking for but take a look at pastebot. I also has a companion iPhone app so that you can paste stuff from your iPhone to your mac.

1,3247 gold badges23 silver badges35 bronze badges

I use CmdVees. I've developed it to have a clipboard helper powerful enough and as simple as possible. It has just everything I need and use.

It has a quite unique feature: when you paste something, it's removed from clipboard history. This makes copy/pasting multiple bits of text much quicker. I can't work without it, YMMV.


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As its web based can be used on other computing platforms as well.

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Thank you for your review
PTHPasteboard Pro gives you access to multiple pasteboards, allowing you to copy multiple things without overwriting the last item you copied. How often have you copied something only to find that you need it a few minutes later but you've already copied another item? PTHPasteboard Pro watches you while you work and keeps a copy of any items that you have copied to your pasteboard.

PTHPasteboard Pro tries to stay out of your way until you need it.

What's New in PTHPasteboard Pro

Version 4.5.7:
  • Fixed: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion issues

Requirements for PTHPasteboard Pro

Mac OS X 10.5 or later

* Previously available here

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