How To Change Calculation To Manual In Excel For Mac

2007-9-28  Does anyone know of a way to stop excel from calculating when it is in the middle of a calculation? I have the file set to manual calculation, which is exactly what I want and I hit F9 to have it calculate. There are hundreds or thousands of formulas in this file so as you can imagine it takes a few minutes sometimes to calculate. Circular Reference - Excel for Mac Dave w/ In the Maximum change box, type the amount that you want to set as the maximum amount of change between calculation results. The smaller the number, the more accurate the result and the more time Excel. The Excel Options dialog box displays. Click “Formulas” in the list of items on the left. In the Calculation options section, click the “Manual” radio button to turn on the ability to manually calculate each worksheet. When you select “Manual”, the “Recalculate workbook before saving” check box is automatically checked.

I open and close a lot of different spreadsheets on a daily basis. Somehow some of these seem to get set to manual calculation mode.
The ones that are created by someone else and get passed around from coworker to coworker don't surprise me much, but sometimes spreadsheets that I have created from scratch and have not shared with others somehow get set to manual mode.
Is there a keyboard shortcut that I may be inadvertently using that switches you to manual calculation mode? Any other common causes for this?
Are there any steps I can take to help ensure all my spreadsheets stay in automatic calculation mode?
Thanks, Spence
Active5 months ago

This is driving me a little bit crazy. In my old PC days I used to press either F5 or F9 (I can't remember) to have Excel recalculate.

What is the Mac equivalent? Use manual for apple mac mini.


PS: Perhaps this is not the place to ask. If so, please redirect me. :)

Thomas Ayoub
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3 Answers

How To Change Calculation To Manual In Excel For Mac Free

AFAIK it's F9 on Windows .

10000 lb mac tools lift manual. So did you try the keystrokes Fn+F9 ?

12.9k6 gold badges29 silver badges43 bronze badges
Matthieu RieglerMatthieu Riegler
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To recalc in Mac:

Command + =

How To Change Calculation To Manual In Excel For Mac Download

You can try also changing Excel preferences:Command ,Calculation'Manually' radio button


fn + f9 works if you disable mission control shortcut (it is defined as F9 by default)

How To Change Calculation To Manual In Excel For Mac Pro

Manuel FigueiralManuel Figueiral

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